The City of South Pasadena has agreed not to enforce its presence restrictions which prohibited all registered citizens from “loitering” in the city’s parks, library, school bus stops, restaurants with children’s playground, etc. The City formalized its agreement in a letter from City Manager Sergio Gonzalez dated February 24 (below).
The City’s agreement was reached after California RSOL notified the City that its presence restrictions were in violation of two recent decisions by the California Court of Appeal which stated that similar restrictions in Orange County and the City of Irvine were preempted by state law. California RSOL originally requested that the City repeal its presence restrictions, but agreed to a stay of enforcement while the California Supreme Court decides whether to grant review of the two California Court of Appeal decisions.
“Because of this agreement, registered citizens and their family members are now able to fully utilize the parks, library, bus stops and commercial restaurants within the City of South Pasadena,” stated CA RSOL President Janice Bellucci. “No longer will families be divided by an inability to recreate together such as picnics in the park.”
Despite this agreement, the City of South Pasadena will continue to enforce the residency restrictions within its sex offender ordinance. Those restrictions limit where a registered citizen can reside either on a permanent or a temporary basis.

I shudder to imagine the current state of affairs without people like Janice Bellucci. Just a few years ago – someone standing up like this and putting their name to it was unfreakingthinkable!
I attended the RSOL Conference in LA last summer. I drove home thinking that there were some gutsy women there! I would just as soon anger a mother bear than get on their wrong side.
Thank you, ladies.
Thank you Janice. Any info on San Bernardino County? Including the unincorporated areas of the county?
How about Westminster? Are they going to get a letter from CA RSOL?
Janice Bellucci ..the HomeRun hitter against injustice …..yes, it may be time for Dodger baseball..!…but its always time for Janice Bellucci ..!!
Just to comment, Pasadena has a long history of heavy handed treatment of registrants. And it is represented by Congressman Adam Schiff, who I have previously noted in these forums has built his career on ever more harsh restrictions on registrants, and is now at it at the federal level.
Janice, you’re our savior! I so hope you win your attorneys fees for these future lawsuits. Hugs!
Have we done this for the city of Burbank?
Thank you so much!!!
Im so disappointed in South Pasadena..
I think they really did have their “fingers crossed behind their back” when they sign this agreement. Now they arrested someone see…